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Tjänster till  3 kap. 30 a § ML (momslagen); Sv: Artikel 138 mervärdesskattedirektivet. Eng: Article 138 VAT directive; Sv: Unionsintern försäljning. Eng: Intra-EU supply  Intra-EU supply eller Article 138 VAT directive till länder utanför EU (export), Artikel 146 Mervärdesskattedirektivet, Article 146 VAT directive. Reverse charge, article 9 (2) (e), 6th VAT-directive. General Intra-Community supply of goods, article 138 Council Directive 2006/112/EC.

Article 138 vat directive

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Oproščeno DDV po členu 138(2)(b) Direktive . VAT exempt under Article 138(2)(b) of Directive - prenosi blaga v druge države EU (interna listina) Oproščeno DDV po 4. točki 46. člena ZDDV-1 A VAT group is a grouping of companies or organisations who are permitted to treat themselves as a single unit for purposes related to the collection and payment of VAT. Article 11 of the Directive permits member states to decide whether to allow groups of closely-linked companies or organisations to be treated as a single "taxable person", and 13 Ygeia, paragraph 35, cf Article 134 of the VAT Directive. 14 Ygeia , paragraph 25. See also case C-334/14, De Fruytier , paragraph 29, where this is referenced.

Artikel 138 Eu Vat Directive - Canal Midi

You have to put “Reverse charge – Article 138 (1) of the Council Directive 2006/112/EC”. The European Union value-added tax (or EU VAT) is a value added tax on goods and services The aim of the EU VAT directive (Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system Providing detailed invoices ( articl Neither “cross-border transaction of goods” is defined in the VAT Directive.

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Under article 196 EU VAT Directive, the VAT will be levied from the customer, based on the reverse charge mechanism. iWeb will request a valid VAT number in one of the EU member states in order not to invoice the VAT to Viited arvel (Pöördkäibemaks): Kauba puhul-Intra-Community 0% supply of goods. Art 138, Directive 2006/112.

12). 5 The word ‘supplier’ refers here to the taxable person dispatching or transporting the goods, himself or by a third party on his behalf, according to Article 17a(2)(a) of the VAT Directive. (‘the VAT Directive ’) and supporting regulations .
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Add the VAT number of your customer. 2020-06-01 2020-08-14 Article 138 1. Member States shall exempt the supply of goods dispatched or transported to a destination outside their respective territory but within the Community, by or on behalf of the vendor or the person acquiring the goods, where the following conditions are met 32 Article 138(1) of the VAT Directive provides that Member States are to exempt the supply of goods dispatched or transported to a destination outside their respective territories but within the European Union, by or on behalf of the vendor or the person acquiring the goods, for another For services: “VAT Exempt intra-community supply of services – Article 44 and 196 Directive 2006/112/EC”. For goods: “VAT exempt intra-Community transfer – article 138, 2, c) Directive 2006/112/EC”.

Different rates of VAT apply in different EU member states, ranging from 17% in Luxembourg to 27% in Hungary.
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vat included - Swedish translation – Linguee

Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Coun- cil of 19 vat Samverkan (OLS). 138 | JENNY PAULSSON. These Final Terms were prepared for the purposes of Article 5 (4) of Directive pository's instruction shall release the Issuer from its payment obligations under the 2 138,0.

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Article 138. [1] 1. Member States shall exempt the supply of goods dispatched or transported to a destination outside their respective territory but within the Community, by or on behalf of the vendor or the person acquiring the goods, where the following conditions are met: Member States in which the VAT is due may provide for that the person liable for the payment of VAT is the person acquiring the goods or services where the transaction is carried out by a supplier who is not established in the country in which VAT is due. Such reverse charge is regulated by national regulation.